Thank You from The Egg Skelter team

Kitchen egg storage

Thank you to all of our wonderful customers far and wide.

We have now taken the difficult decision to close the business.

When starting out in 2008 we hand-made 100 of them to sell (to “share the joy”) and we sold out in three days!! Since then we have made and sold many thousands of Egg Skelters all over the world. We then added a new addition to the brand, which we called Fruit Skelter, a great way to display your fruit and keep those bananas from rubbing up against your green apples... no more bruising and fresher fruit!!


Some of our customer reviews

The Skelter keeps my eggs in order according to when the chickens laid them which is extremely helpful

Tidy, orderly and time saving, as was always scrabbling around for boxes. When you give eggs to a friend the boxes never come back and you end up using all manner of containers. Now my egg skelter has pride of place on my work top and is quite a talking point in my kitchen

I’d been considering buying one of these for a while, as I always seem to have an untidy stack of egg boxes sitting on the work top in my utility room. I can endorse all the good things already said about this product and can add that it is useful that I can now see at a glance how many eggs I have left before I go shopping